Monday, September 20, 2010

BBQ Location

Remember... The Jericho Estates BBQ will be held this Saturday, September 25 from 1:00 - 3:00  pm.  It will be held at NE 3rd Place and Hoquiam, between lots 30-35.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Neighborhood BBQ, 9/25 1:00pm

Hello Neighbors!

We will be hosting a BBQ on Saturday, September 25, from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm.  The location will be announced soon.  We will provide burgers, hot dogs, sides, and drinks.  Please put it on your calendar!  We hope that everyone will be able to stop by for at least a few minutes.

This will be a great opportunity to get to know your neighbors and your HOA.

We look forward to getting to know all of you better!

--Jericho Estates HOA

Friday, August 27, 2010

HOA Board Meeting Agenda, 8/25/10

Jericho Estates HOA Agenda
            A.  Who?  3 members
            B.  Follow-up on current non-compliance letters
            C.  Approval letters
            D.  Protocol for non-compliance once date has passed (Sept. 6)
            E.  How to deal w/ financial hardships
            F.  Work being done without written approval
            G.  Current complaints
            H.  Weeding the newly landscaped areas
            I.    Staining the drainage pond fence

II.  Outreach
            A.  Send letter to newest homeowner
            B.  BBQ
            C.  Blog—HOA meeting minutes?
            D.  Reminder of Article 9
            E.  How to increase outreach & make HOA more accessible

III.  Other Concerns
            A.  HOA dues
            B.  Street parking
            C.  Speeding—traffic control
            D.  Sprinkler system

IV.  Next meeting/action items

Friday, July 23, 2010

Neighborhood Landscaping

Hello neighbors,

As you may have noticed, the common areas have been cleaned up and beautified with bark.  We hope you are all pleased with the work that has been done.

Please let us know about any other neighborhood concerns you may have.  You can email us at

Jericho Estates HOA

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Neighborhood Beautification--Canceled

Unfortunately, it looks like we aren't going to get much participation in our yard clean up day.  Because of this, we are canceling the bark delivery this week.  We are going to have the landscapers who took care of the weeding do the bark for us.

Next year we will be able to be more organized and will set up a property clean up day far in advance.

Thank you!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Contact Your HOA

If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or praises, please let us know!

You can email us at

The Architectural Control Committee (ACC)  has its own email:  Please contact them with all yard improvement proposals as well as any complaints or questions.

Our mailing address is:

Jericho Estates HOA
PO Box 2198
Renton, WA  98056

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions

Howdy neighbors!

We all lose things, don't we? How about your CC&R's? It's okay, we won't tell. Sometimes we leave our keys in the freezer.

Well today is your lucky day! See our Jericho Estates CC&R's right from the source at the King County Records. Feel free to print them out and keep them in your desk drawer, taped to the refrigerator, or in a dried macaroni frame. Whatever works for you.

That link, just in case you missed it, is

Thanks and have a great day-
Your HOA

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome residents of Jericho Estates. We will be using this blog to update residents on upcoming events, changes to HOA rules, and meeting times.

If you have any questions for the HOA, please feel free to contact us at: